
Munkáink >

Devecser, Kolontár


During the reconstruction after the flood in Bereg, the Kós Károly Association was invited to put together a team of Master Architects who would lead disaster management in the future. Their experience proved to be crucial during the red sludge disaster in 2010. Representing the Association, Attila Turi, László Zsigmond and János Jánosi led a team of member architects and Itinerant students and constructed 110 houses. For a quick and pragmatic execution, standardized but customizable buildings were created, with a structure that, with its variations and subsystems, ensured the construction of homely yet unique homes that were easily adapted to the needs of the residents.


Leading Designers: Attila Turi, László Zsigmond and János Jánosi
Architects: Imre Makovecz, Sándor Dévényi, László Zsigmond, Tibor Bata, Attila Turi, János Jánosi, Balázs Arnóczki, Mariann Arnóczki Nagy and Judit Gerencsér


Facades: Csernyus Lőrinc, Ágnes Zsigmond, Győző Esztány, László Sáros, Endre Balassa, Andrea Robogány, Szűcs Endre, Zsófia Mezei, Péter Tóth, Ágnes Kravár, Anikó Szentesi, Natalie Grekofski, Attila Ertsey, Csaba Varga and Mária Beöthy

Structural Engineer:       László Pongor, Building Engineers: László Pacher and László Skrobák, Electrical installation: Zoltán Tóth, Garden and Landscape Architect:  Mónika Buella, Utility and road planning:  János Szathmáry, Zoltán Homola, József Berta, Ádám Bojtár and Zoltán Kőrisfalvi

Design Management: Attila Turi, Balázs Csóka (permanent on-site representation), Tibor Fülöp and Hajni Szakos (general organization), KKE Itinerant Disciples (present at the site in rotation): Kálmán Kis, Dávid Nemes, Attila Juhász, Hajnal Szakos, Balázs Arnóczki, Pál Kovács, Gellért Ostrozánsky, Ivett Madár and Szabolcs Szilágyi

Execution: Veszprémber Ltd. – László Hellebrandt, CEO

Technical Inspector: Csiky és tsa. Ltd. – Gábor Csiky, CEO
