Térrendezés, Szekszárd

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Rebuilding a Square
Szekszárd, 2008

The purpose of rebuilding the King Béla Square, located centrally in Szekszárd, was not so much about fashioning a uniform image as about creating a square that is easily used and understood by the community. The location of existing values needed to be reshuffled. The statue of King Béla was cut free from the shrubbery, the statue of King Saint Ladislaus was brought in front of the County Hall, the national flag received a new pedestal in the middle of the square and a new Revolution of 1848 Memorial was added to the abutment. The courtyard of the County Hall is now open towards the square. Its northern side is closed off by a bridge, which can be accessed through side steps. By shifting the focal points and refurbishing the street, the square was given a truly urban look.


Architects: Imre Makovecz, Attila Turi and Bálint Terdik
Associate Architects: Tibor Fülöp, Gyula Csontos and Zsuzsanna Kozma
Structural Engineer: László Pongor
Public Utilities: László Kaveczki
Electrical installation: Győző Menyhárt
Landscape Architect: Mónika Buella
