Edukáció (Dunaalmás, Jászfelsőszentgyörgy)

Munkáink >

Dunanaalmás, Jászfelsőszentgyörgy
2014, 2015

Motto: New Avenues in Type Design

In spite of the limited budget for structures and floor plans, both building types are of high architectural quality, with joined mounts, exposed roof trusses and brickwork. The Scandinavian simplicity of the unplastered and painted brick surfaces of gym interiors is in line with today's fashionable trends, with great acoustic qualities. In addition, the ingenious solutions used for the façade and the mass connections provide sufficient flexibility, while also suited to the character of the place. The design is not so much about decoration, but the appropriate management of local qualities, casting off the dull uniformity and creating unique buildings.



National Public Education Infrastructure Development Programme
Leading Designers: Attila Turi, János Jánosi, Zoltán Horváth and Bálint Terdik
Architect: Attila Turi
Associate Designers: Zoltán Horváth and Bálint Terdik
Associate Architects: Balázs Csóka, Tibor Fülöp, Csilla Töviskés
Structural Engineer: László Pongor
Building Engineers: László Pacher
Electrical installation: Zsuzsa Kovács Lászlóné Homonnai
